With the new and unique WaterGuard Pro
Automatically control your visitor numbers and more
easily comply with spacing rules and hygiene regulations
in the pool and your entire pool facility.
Further features: complete documentation and creation of
daily visitor forecasts!
As the operator of a pool or wellness facility, the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic represents a major challenge for you. Above all, the practical implementation of the corona-related regulations and recommendations is proving to be a considerable hurdle. Minimum spacing on the sunbathing areas and in the pool can only be achieved with significantly fewer visitors. This requires access restrictions, which are often difficult to implement and difficult to communicate to the pool guests.
WaterGuard Pro changes this.
Simply put, WaterGuard Pro is your digital pool attendant, taking care of monitoring and other tasks in pools and wellness facilities of any size and with numerous pool basins. It checks access to the pool area in real time and controls the number of pool users. If the number approaches a previously entered maximum, the system reports an alarm depending on the individual configuration starting at a specific threshold to the actual pool attendant via SMS or e-mail. If an overshoot is imminent, the system sets the signal transmitter located near the pool to red. Pool guests then know that they are not allowed in the water. The WaterGuard system thus relieves the pool attendant of a delicate task, which is often associated with unpleasant discussions.
If the maximum number of users is exceeded in a specific pool basin, the pool attendant receives another message on his or her smartphone. He or she can then respond quickly if currently making the rounds or inspecting a different pool basin. Furthermore, the WaterGuard Pro system features an individually configurable Dashboard displayed on a mobile phone or screen of a PC, providing an overview of the current situation in all basins.
On the initiative of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs and the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, independent experts tested and awarded WaterGuard Pro according to strict criteria for the degree of innovation and usability in public administration. WaterGuard Pro was thus included in the IÖB service point's innovation marketplace as an innovative product that leads to a significant improvement in issues such as climate neutrality, efficiency, citizen service and cost savings in the work of public procurers.